
Funded by DairyNZ, the workshops are designed to:
  1. Enhance communication skills (to take back into your dairy business)
  2. Raise personal awareness of leadership potential
  3. Move beyond the realisation to take relevant action
  4. Strengthen networks
Learning Objectives:
  • To encourage and inspire women in the Dairy Industry to recognise and access personal leadership potential
  • To identify a specific area of strength or interest
  • To develop story telling technique and capacity as a human resource management tool
  • To engender a plan of action towards reaching the ‘tipping point’
Preparation - before the workshop, participants will:
  • Ponder on a questionnaire to trigger self-reflection and discover the threads that will be used to weave the personal story.
  • Be able to send a first draft of their story and send it to the facilitator. Participant and facilitator agree on the  main theme for the story, eg. Building networks, personal action taken, further education sought, changes made in a specific area, identification of a particular passion.
  • Gather photographs/objects/articles that illustrate, symbolise or represent a key personal achievement or accomplishment
Workshop format (approx. from 9am to 3pm at advertised location TBC by regional facilitators)
  1. Introduction: setting the scene. Review dairy women Digital Stories to trigger discussion about what the story stirred/inspired.
  2. Share, refine and rehearse personal stories in small groups.
  3. Lunch break (lunch provided)
  4. “Tell your story” (stories will be recorded and made available to participants shortly after)
  5. Review what has been learned about self and others, how the storytelling technique can be used as a tool for problem solving, conflict resolution, education, inspiration
Pictures from previous workshops:

One of our starting points for discussion was through Steve Denning's work and the table below explaining how to craft the story you want to share to achieve specific objectives: